Abstract Submission


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A. Development and qualification of structural materials for DEMO and beyond.

  • Ferritic/martensitic steels
  • Advanced and ODS steels
  • Ceramics, ceramic composites, and other low-Z materials
  • Tungsten, refractory alloys, and other high-Z materials
  • Novel highly radiation-resistant alloys

B. Materials for high heat flux plasmas facing components: divertor, limiter, first wall.

  • Plasma-facing materials
  • High heat-flux materials: heat-sink and structural application
  • Materials for limiters
  • Liquid metal divertors: material issues

C. Development and characterization of functional materials applied in blankets and other n-irradiation affected systems

  • Breeding and neutron multiplier ceramic materials
  • Coatings
  • Barriers, insulating materials and flow-channel inserts
  • Plasma-diagnostic system materials
  • First mirrors and auxiliary systems
  • Magnetic materials

D. Fusion-specific applications of materials, including environmental effects.

  • Tritium and deuterium: retention, accumulation, diffusion and release, including effects of irradiation
  • Concomitant hydrogen and helium embrittlement
  • Irradiation and coolant accelerated crack extension
  • Chemical compatibility: oxidation, corrosion, and environmental effects

E. Materials engineering and application including joining of similar or dissimilar materials.

  • Fabrication and materials engineering
  • Joining of similar and dissimilar materials: process optimization, properties and development of haracterization methods
  • TBM: material issues and technologies
  • ITER material technologies open issues

F. Qualification of irradiation effects in neutron sources, accelerators and other test systems including advanced characterization methods.

  • Intense fusion neutron sources for materials validation
  • Advanced and ODS steels
  • Approaches to best estimate irradiated materials engineering data combining databases and modeling ITER-TBM as irradiation test bed and model verification
  • Other neutron irradiation devices and test facilities
  • Advanced microscopy and characterization methods

G. Materials-design interface and interactions codes, standards, and standardization including SSTT.

  • Materials database development and material property handbooks
  • Advanced design methodologies and design criteria for future fusion facilities
  • Damage accumulation, interaction and critical failure modes
  • Development of test technologies towards standardization and norms including SSTT
  • Safety criteria and requirements

H. Fundamental studies of radiation effects: modeling and experimental validation.

  • Multi-scale approaches and design of radiation resistant materials
  • Defect production and microstructural evolution
  • Fundamental helium, hydrogen, and tritium effects

I. National fusion projects and private fusion activities.

J. Cross-cutting issues and synergism with materials applications in other large-scale projects or highly loaded systems.

  • Cross-cutting material issues for fusion and fission nuclear power systems
  • Synergies with material development in other energy research communities
  • Education and training

K. Ron Klueh Memorial.

Dr. Ronald Klueh, a retired materials scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, passed away on March 23, 2024.
He was a pioneer in the field of RAFM steels for fusion applications and made significant contributions to ferritic/martensitic steel research.
A memorial session will be held to honor his achievements and emphasize the progress made through his works.

Dead line of Abstract Submission

23:59 of February 7→February 21(Extended), 2025, Japan Standard Time (GMT+9)


Registration Desk

JTB Corp, Western Japan MICE Branch
6F JTB Bldg. 2-1-25
Kyutaro-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0056 Japan
E-mail: icfrm22@jtb.com